Join us this Sunday, Oct 20, 2024 for worship !

Douwe Top will be leading the 10:00am worship with a video sermon by Pastor Sid Couperus who is currently pastoring at First CRC Owen Sound.



      Welcome and Announcements

*    Opening Song: LUYH #527 – Come Away from Rush and Hurry

*    Call to Worship – Based on Exodus 10:1-2

L: As we are called into worship today

    It is sobering to remember that when God appeared on earth in the person of Jesus,

    Most of the world did not recognize Him and therefore did not worship Him.

    Today we ask for the faith that will open our eyes to see Jesus for who He is,

    That we might worship Him in truth.

    People of God, behold and see your God!

A: We open our eyes to see His glory.

     We open our ears to hear His wisdom.

     We open our hands to offer Him gifts.

     We open our mouths to sing His praise.

     We open our hearts to offer Him our love.

     He is Lord!

*    God’s Greeting

*    Song: LUYH #562 – We Will Extol You, God and King



      Call to Confession

Leader: I invite you now to remember God’s promise,

            To turn away from all that is evil and to reaffirm your faith in Jesus Christ

            And your commitment to Christ’s church.

            Do you renounce Satan and all the spiritual forces

            Of evil that rebel against God?

ALL: I renounce them!

Leader: Do you renounce all sinful desires

             That draw you from the love of Gog?

ALL: I renounce them!

Leader: Do you turn to Jesus Christ?

ALL: Yes! I trust in Him as my Lord and Savior.

Leader: Do you intend to be Christ’s faithful disciple,

             Trusting his promises, obeying his word, honoring his church

             And showing his love as long as you shall live?

ALL: Yes, God helping me!

      Prayer of Confession

      Assurance of Pardon (in unison)

ALL: By true faith in Jesus Christ,

                      I am right with God

         And heir to life everlasting

         Even though my conscience accuses me

         Of having grievously sinned against all God’s commandments

         And of never having kept any of them

         And even though I am still inclined toward all evil,

         Nevertheless, without my deserving it at all,

         Out of sheer grace, God grants and credits to me

         The perfect satisfaction, righteousness, and holiness of Christ,

         As if I had never sinned nor been a sinner,

         As if I had been as perfectly obedient

         As Christ was obedient for me.

         All I need to do is to accept this gift of God

         With a believing heart.

*    Song: LUYH #770 – In Christ Alone

*    Profession of Faith – Apostles’ Creed in responsive style, Please Stand

Leader: Do you believe in God the Father?

ALL: I believe in God the Father Almighty,

         Creator of heaven and earth.

Leader: Do you believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

ALL: I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord,

        Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit

        Born of the virgin Mary,

        Suffered under Pontius Pilate,

        Was crucified, died and was buried.

        He descended to the dead.

        On the third day he rose again:

        He ascended to heaven,

        He is seated at the right hand of the Father,

        And he will come to judge the living and the dead.

Leader: Do you believe in God the Holy Spirit?

ALL: I believe in the Holy Spirit,

        The holy catholic church,

        The communion of saints,

        The forgiveness of sins,

        The resurrection of the body

        And the life everlasting.



      Offertory Prayer

      Offering(1)  Church     (2)  Office of Diversity


      Children’s Time (children, age 3 – Grade 1)

      Prayer of Illumination – responsive

L: Open our eyes, O God:

A: That we may behold wondrous things out of your law.

L: Open our ears, O God:

A: That we may hear what you will speak

     To those who turn to you in their hearts.

L: Open our minds, O God:

A: That we may understand what it means

     To revere you and to learn of your ways.

L: Open our hearts, O God:

A: That we may grasp the treasures of wisdom and knowledge

     Hidden in Christ.

L: Open our mouths, O God

A: That we may proclaim the mystery of the gospel

     And speak of it boldly.

     Scripture Reading: Colossians 3:15-17

     Message: Gratitude (Video message by Pastor Sid Couperus)

     Prayer (optional)

*    Song of Response: LUYH #358 – Give Thanks

            (Gr. 2-8 children will depart for Sunday School during the singing)


     Prayers for God’s People and World

*    Song: Count Your Blessings


*    Benediction

*    Doxology Song: LUYH #943 – God be With You Till We Meet Again