Join us Sunday 10am for worship !

Join us this Sunday, July 28, 2024 for worship !

 Melissa Burmaster will be leading us in the 10:00 am service .





      Welcome and Announcements

*    Opening Song: #604 (LUYH) – To God be the Glory

*    Call to Worship (responsive)

       Pastor: Brothers and sisters, we are loved by God
       Cong: and chosen by the Lord Jesus.
       Pastor: We have turned from idols
       Cong: to serve the living and true God.
       Pastor: We are approved by God
       Cong: and entrusted with his gospel.
       Pastor: Our hope and our joy
       Cong: is to glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes.
       Pastor: As we worship together,
       Cong: may the Lord make our love increase, may he strengthen our hearts
       so we shall be blameless and holy.

       Pastor: May God himself, the God of peace,
       Cong: make us holy through and through.
       Pastor: The one who calls us is faithful:
       All: He will do it!

*    God’s Greeting (responsive)

       Pastor: God the Father has loved you and Jesus Christ has kept you safe:
       Cong: mercy, peace and love be ours for ever. Amen.

*    Song: #562 (LUYH) – We Will Extol You, God and King



      Call to Confession

      Silent Prayer

      Prayer of Confession (in unison)

      O Father, we are gathered before you, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, whose chosen           

      dwelling place is with the broken and contrite, to confess that we have sinned in thought  

      and word and deed; we have not loved you with all our heart and soul, we have not loved

      you with all our mind and strength; we have not even loved our neighbor as ourselves. Purge

      us from selfishness, the fear of man, and the love of praise. In your mercy, deepen our

      sorrow for the wrong we have done and for the good we have left undone, so that we may

      hate our sin with a holy hatred. But, please Father, do not leave us in sorrow. With you, O

      Lord, there is forgiveness. In your mercy, restore the joy of our salvation; so that we may

      love you with a holy love. Amen.

      Assurance of Pardon: 1 Corinthians 1:26-29
      Response of Gratitude: (in unison)

      We thank you God that you save us not based on who we are,

      but based on who you are.

      You choose to work through all according to your plans

      Not ours – for the sake of your kingdom, Amen.

*    Song: #695 (LUYH) – And Can It Be

*    Profession of Faith - Heidelberg Catechism – 21 Q & A

       Pastor: Q - What is true faith?

       Cong:  A - True faith is not only a knowledge and conviction that everything God reveals in           

       his Word is true. It is also a deep-rooted assurance, created in me by the Holy Spirit

       through the gospel, that out of sheer grace earned for us by Christ no only others, but I too,

       have had my sins forgiven haven been made forever right with God, and have been granted




      Offertory Prayer

      Offering:  (1) Church     (2) Huron Christian School Tuition Relief    

      Report from the SERVE team


    Children’s Time (children, age 3 – Grade 1)

     Prayer of Illumination

     Scripture Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

     Message:  The Big Three


*   Song of Response: #262 (LUYH) – I Love to Tell the Story



      Prayers for God’s People and World

*    Song: #690 (LUYH) – I Know Not Why God’s Wondrous Grace



*    Benediction 

*    Doxology: #938 (LUYH) – My Friends, May You grow in Grace